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Famous Like Me > Footballer > > Lauren

Profile of Lauren on Famous Like Me

Name: Lauren  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 19th January 1977
Place of Birth: Londi Keisi
Profession: Footballer
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Lauren Bisan Etame Mayer (born January 19, 1977 in Londi Kribi, Cameroon) is a Cameroonian international footballer currently employed by English F.A. Premier League team Arsenal, commonly known by his first name Lauren.

His previous teams were Levante UD, Seville B and Utrera, Spanish teams from various league tiers.

Making his Arsenal debut against Sunderland in August 2000, he spent much of his first English football season out with an injury, and, as summertime transfers rolled around, his name was put forward as one which was potentially disposable. This, coupled with a plan to usher Hidetoshi Nakata to the Arsenal squad, meant the future initially looked bleak for Lauren, an unfair position for a football player to be in after such an attempt to make a name for himself.

By the time the 2001/02 season arrived, Lauren began to grow and became a vital part of the first team.

Though not picked for the Cameroon side for the 2002 African Nations Cup, he aided his team that year in completing a double of the FA Cup and the Premiership Title.

A selection to play in the 2002 World Cup group stages for all three matches, Cameroon failed to proceed beyond the group stage. An FA Cup winners' medal would follow in 2002/3, that year however being marked by a calf injury and a sustained absence from playing, until the high-profile FA Cup final against Southampton.

His 2003/04 season was of a high quality, but was marred considerably by his, and others' part in abuse towards Manchester United's Ruud van Nistelrooy. He was banned by the Football Association for four matches and fined 40,000 pounds, indicating his apparent central role in the abuse.

However, he made his 150th appearance for Arsenal during this season, an unbeaten season for the club which saw them achieve the title.

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