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Famous Like Me > Actor > H > Tim Hauser

Profile of Tim Hauser on Famous Like Me

Name: Tim Hauser  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 12th December 1941
Place of Birth: Troy, New York, USA
Profession: Actor
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Tim Hauser is a musician with the band The Manhattan Transfer.

He was born in Troy, New York on December 12, 1941, Tim, his sister Fayette, and their parents moved to the New Jersey shore when he was seven years old, living in Ocean Township and Asbury Park.

He began to sing professionally at age 15. He founded a teenage rock & roll quintet called The Criterions. Tim also developed his producing skills at an early age.

In 1959, he graduated from St. Rose and entered Villanova University. His college years were a continuation of the musical involvement he had started to develop, with Tim spending much of his college time energetically expanding his musical interests. In 1963, he graduated from Villanova with a BA in Economics.

In 1964, Tim served in the Air Force and the New Jersey Air National Guard. In 1965, he began his career in marketing.

In 1969, he formed the first version of The Manhattan Transfer with Gene Pistilli, Marty Nelson, Erin Dickins and Pat Rosalia. The group had a country/R&B sound. Together they recorded one album, Jukin', on the Capitol label. However, they differed in ideas on direction so the group dissolved in the early 70's.

Tim took odd jobs to support himself while still pursuing his musical career including taxicab driving. Through this he met a waitress and aspiring singer, Laurel Masse. Tim was once more driving his cab when he picked up the conga player for the group Laurel Canyon. The conga player invited Tim to a party, where he met Janis Siegel. Together with Laurel, they decided to reform The Manhattan Transfer. They needed a male singer, so contacted Alan Paul. The four became The Manhattan Transfer on October 1, 1972.

Tim's other interests include tennis, baseball, collecting and restoring classic automobiles, and of course, collecting records. Tim resides in California with his wife Lori, stepdaughter Keely, son Basie and daughter Lily.

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