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Famous Like Me > Actor > R > Joey Reynolds

Profile of Joey Reynolds on Famous Like Me

Name: Joey Reynolds  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 31st January 1967
Place of Birth: San Diego, California, USA
Profession: Actor
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Joey Reynolds is the radio name of Joey Pinto, who started in broadcasting at WKWK radio in Wheeling, West Virginia.

Reynolds is currently host of a nationally broadcast radio talk program via the WOR Radio network. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for his accomplishments in radio, television, and music. He rose to national fame as a Top 40-radio personality and many leading authorities in the radio think of him as the person who invented shock talk radio. He was the focus a few years ago of a two-part series on the televised Oprah Winfrey Show about radio talk personalities. More than a dozen of the leading talk masters of radio paid tribute to Reynolds on the show as the fountainhead of their particular form of talk radio.

At one point in his multifaceted career, Reynolds worked for 20th Century-Fox and was instrumental in the development of the “Star Wars” marketing program. It was one of the world’s most outstanding financial successes as both a movie and a soundtrack album. During his career, he also headed a company for singer Wayne Newton for two years.

Over two decades-the 1960’s and the 1970’s- Reynolds had a presence in Top 40 radio gaining huge audience ratings, including in his home town of Buffalo and in Hartford, Cleveland, and Detroit. His sometimes outlandish stunts on the air and off attracted great radio audiences and enormous attention in both trade and consumer publications. He was so popular that the Four Seasons produced a special radio jingle for the introduction of his daily radio show. Because of this fame and his accomplishments, he has been called upon to speak at many radio industry conferences regarding media and entertainment.

Today, his unique style of radio-TV personality is mellower, but he is still able to attract and maintain huge and phenomenally loyal audiences in such markets as New York City, Denver, and Philadelphia. His radio shows sparkle with a rare and wonderfully sharp, spontaneous wit that made him, then and now, one of the greatest personalities in radio. He has also developed a warm sort of humor that jokes more with the person to whom he’s talking, rather than against them.

In Denver, he hosted a radio-TV simulcast on KOA. Renolds also launched and hosted the first nationwide satellite radio programming featured on more than 35 radio stations coast-to-coast.

However, his skills far exceed the mere boundaries of a medium. He has a unique talent in developing concepts and driving such concepts to reality. For example, a Joey Reynolds cheesecake is now being sold in many markets, including New York City and Florida.

His immensely popular memoir, “Let Your Smile Be Your Umbrella, But Don’t Get a Mouthful of Rain”, highlights some – and just some – of his outrageous exploits and adventures of his career.

A divorced father of two teenage daughters, Reynolds maintains a second home in Florida and spends most weekends during the year with his children.

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