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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Dan O'Herlihy 1st May, 1919 Wexford, Ireland Actor
Jack Paar 1st May, 1918 Canton, Ohio, USA Actor
Danielle Darrieux 1st May, 1917 Bordeaux, Gironde, Aquitaine, France Singer
John Beradino 1st May, 1917 Los Angeles, California, USA Actor
Glenn Ford 1st May, 1916 Sainte-Christine, Quebec, Canada Actor
Balraj Sahni 1st May, 1913 Rawalpindi, Punjab, British India (now Punjab, Pakistan) Actor
John Walvoord 1st May, 1910 Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA Actor
Giovanni Guareschi 1st May, 1908 Roccabianca, Italy Writer
Kate Smith 1st May, 1907 Greenville, Virginia, USA Actress
Rose Hobart 1st May, 1906 New York, New York, USA Actress
Henry Koster 1st May, 1905 Berlin, Germany Director
Leila Hyams 1st May, 1905 New York, New York, USA Actress
Antal Szerb 1st May, 1901 Budapest, Hungary Writer
Jon Leifs 1st May, 1899 Sólheimar, Iceland Composer
Leonard St. Leo 1st May, 1894 England, UK Actor
Charley Patton 1st May, 1891 Bolton, Mississippi, USA Composer
Tom Moore 1st May, 1883 Fordstown Crossroads, County Meath, Ireland Actor
Arthur Morrison 1st May, 1877 St. Louis, Missouri, USA Actor
Ian Maclaren 1st May, 1875 Lynmouth, Devon, England, UK Actor
John Barton 1st May, 1872 Germantown, Pennsylvania, USA Actor