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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Costas Mandylor 3rd September, 1965 no1 image Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Actor
Adam Curry 3rd September, 1964 no1 image Washington, District of Columbia, USA Actor
Merritt Butrick 3rd September, 1959 no1 image Gainesville, Florida, USA Actor
James Duff 3rd September, 1955 no1 image New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Writer
Eric Young 3rd September, 1953 no1 image Chicago, Illinois, USA Actor
Jean-Pierre Jeunet 3rd September, 1953 no1 image Roanne, Loire, France Director
Brian Linehan 3rd September, 1944 no1 image Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Actor
Mark Wirtz 3rd September, 1943 no1 image Strasbourg, Alsace Bas-Rhin, France Composer
Michael Hui 3rd September, 1942 no1 image Guangzhou, China Actor
Pauline Collins 3rd September, 1940 no1 image Exmouth, Devon, England, UK Actress
Eduardo Galeano 3rd September, 1940 no1 image Montevideo, Uruguay Writer
Tom Adams 3rd September, 1938 London, England, UK Actor
Eileen Brennan 3rd September, 1938 Los Angeles, California, USA Actress
Kelly Lai Chen 3rd September, 1933 Shanghai, China Actor
Stanley R. Greenberg 3rd September, 1927 Chicago, Illinois, USA Writer
Irene Papas 3rd September, 1926 Chilimodion, Corynth, Greece Actress
Alison Lurie 3rd September, 1926 Chicago, Illinois, USA Writer
Wally Albright 3rd September, 1925 Burbank, California, USA Actor
Mort Walker 3rd September, 1923 El Dorado, Kansas, USA Writer
John Aston 3rd September, 1921 Manchester Footballer