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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Tim Russert 7th May, 1950 no1 image Buffalo, New York, USA Actor
Randall 'Tex' Cobb 7th May, 1950 no1 image Abilene, Texas, USA Actor
Prairie Prince 7th May, 1950 no1 image Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Actor
Patrick John Hurley 7th May, 1949 no1 image Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Actor
Larry B. Williams 7th May, 1949 no1 image Richmond, Virginia, USA Actor
Thelma Houston 7th May, 1946 no1 image Leland, Mississippi, USA Actress
Bill Kreutzmann 7th May, 1946 no1 image Palo Alto, California, USA Composer
Robin Strasser 7th May, 1945 no1 image New York, New York, USA Actress
Richard O'Sullivan 7th May, 1944 no1 image Chiswick, London, England, UK Actor
Ruggero Deodato 7th May, 1939 Potenza, Italy Director
Jimmy Ruffin 7th May, 1939 Collinsville, Mississippi Singer
Francisco Di Franco 7th May, 1938 São Paulo, Brazil Actor
Kevin O'Connor 7th May, 1938 Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, USA. [now Hawaii, USA] Actor
Johnny Unitas 7th May, 1933 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Actor
Axel Corti 7th May, 1933 Paris, France Director
Teresa Brewer 7th May, 1931 Toledo, Ohio, USA Singer
Karl Friedrich 7th May, 1929 Graz, Austria Actor
John Ingle 7th May, 1928 Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Actor
John Perkins 7th May, 1927 Boston, Massachusetts, USA Actor
Elisabeth Söderström 7th May, 1927 Stockholm, Söderström received Singer