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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Susan Tyrrell 18th March, 1945 no1 image San Francisco, California, USA Actress
Eric Woolfson 18th March, 1945 no1 image Glasgow, Scotland Composer
Marta Suplicy 18th March, 1945 no1 image São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Actress
Kevin Dobson 18th March, 1943 no1 image New York, New York, USA Actor
Machiko Soga 18th March, 1943 no1 image Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan Actress
Wilson Pickett 18th March, 1941 no1 image Prattville, Alabama, USA Singer
Wolfgang Bauer 18th March, 1941 no1 image Graz, Austria Writer
Piers Haggard 18th March, 1939 London, England, U.K Director
Ron Atkinson 18th March, 1939 Liverpool, England, UK Actor
Carl Gottlieb 18th March, 1938 New York City, New York, USA Actor
Shashi Kapoor 18th March, 1938 Calcutta, West Bengal, India Actor
Kenny Lynch 18th March, 1938 Stepney, London, England, UK Actor
John Updike 18th March, 1932 Shillington, Pennsylvania, USA Writer
Christa Wolf 18th March, 1929 Landsberg an der Warthe, Germany [now Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland] Writer
John Molloy 18th March, 1929 Dublin, Ireland Actor
George Plimpton 18th March, 1927 New York, New York, USA Actor
John Kander 18th March, 1927 Kansas City, Missouri, USA Composer
Ángel Peralta 18th March, 1926 Puebla del Río, Sevilla, Andalucía, Spain Actor
Erik Frohn Nielsen 18th March, 1926 Copenhagen, Denmark Writer
Don Paul 18th March, 1925 Fresno, California, USA Actor