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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Jacques Pepin 18th December, 1935 France Actor
Roger Smith 18th December, 1932 South Gate, California, USA Actor
Harold Land 18th December, 1928 Houston, Texas, USA Actor
Peggy Cummins 18th December, 1925 Prestatyn, Wales, UK Actress
Yuri Nikulin 18th December, 1921 Demidov, Smolensk province, Russia Actor
Jack Crompton 18th December, 1921 Manchester Footballer
Hal Kanter 18th December, 1918 Savannah, Georgia, USA Writer
Ossie Davis 18th December, 1917 Cogdell, Georgia, USA Actor
Betty Grable 18th December, 1916 St. Louis, Missouri, USA Actress
Vintila Horia 18th December, 1915 Sergarcea, Romania Writer
Allen Collins 18th December, 1915 Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Actor
George Abecassis 18th December, 1913 Racing driver
Lynn Bari 18th December, 1913 Roanoke, Virginia, USA Actress
Freddie Steele 18th December, 1912 Tacoma, Washington, USA Actor
Jules Dassin 18th December, 1911 Middletown, Connecticut, USA Director
Abe Burrows 18th December, 1910 New York, New York, USA Writer
Celia Johnson 18th December, 1908 Ellerker Gate, Richmond, Surrey, England, UK Actress
Christopher Fry 18th December, 1907 Bristol, England, UK Writer
Florence Court 18th December, 1893 Buffalo, New York, USA Actress
Gladys Cooper 18th December, 1888 Lewisham, London, England, UK Actress