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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Michael Badalucco 20th December, 1954 no1 image Brooklyn, New York, USA Actor
Jenny Agutter 20th December, 1952 no1 image Taunton, Somerset, England, UK Actress
Ray Bumatai 20th December, 1952 no1 image Offenbach, Germany Actor
Peter May 20th December, 1951 no1 image Glasgow, Scotland, UK Writer
Bill Clement 20th December, 1950 no1 image Thurso, Québec, Canada Actor
Macaria 20th December, 1949 no1 image Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico Actress
Claudia Jennings 20th December, 1949 no1 image Evanston, Illinois, USA Actress
Alan Parsons 20th December, 1948 no1 image London, England, UK Composer
Uri Geller 20th December, 1946 no1 image Tel Aviv, Palestine (now Israel) Actor
Lesley Judd 20th December, 1946 no1 image London, England, UK Actress
Jacqueline Pearce 20th December, 1943 no1 image Byfleet, England Actress
Kim Weston 20th December, 1939 Detroit, Michigan, USA Singer
John Hillerman 20th December, 1932 Denison, Texas, USA Actor
Mala Powers 20th December, 1931 San Francisco, California, USA Actress
David Markson 20th December, 1927 Albany, New York, USA Writer
Charita Bauer 20th December, 1922 Newark, New Jersey, USA Actress
Audrey Totter 20th December, 1918 Joliet, Illinois, USA Actress
Bill Carter 20th December, 1918 England, UK Actor
Paul Brickhill 20th December, 1916 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Writer
Hortense Calisher 20th December, 1911 New York City, New York, USA Writer