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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Robin Gibb 22nd December, 1949 no1 image Douglas, Isle of Man Composer
Noel Edmonds 22nd December, 1948 no1 image Ilford, Essex, England, UK Actor
Lynne Thigpen 22nd December, 1948 no1 image Joliet, Illinois, USA Actress
Steve Garvey 22nd December, 1948 no1 image Tampa, Florida, USA Actor
Sam Newman 22nd December, 1945 no1 image Geelong, Victoria, Australia Actor
Chris Bunch 22nd December, 1942 no1 image Fresno, California, USA Writer
Hector Elizondo 22nd December, 1936 New York, New York, USA Actor
Voytek Frykowski 22nd December, 1936 Poland Actor
Paulo Rocha 22nd December, 1935 Oporto, Portugal Director
Ib Hansen 22nd December, 1928 Vanløse, Denmark Actor
Peggie Castle 22nd December, 1927 Appalachia, Virginia, USA Actress
Peregrine Worsthorne 22nd December, 1923 London, England, UK Actor
Barbara Billingsley 22nd December, 1922 Los Angeles, California, USA Actress
Ruth Roman 22nd December, 1922 Lynn, Massachusetts, USA Actress
Gene Rayburn 22nd December, 1917 Christopher, Illinois, USA Actor
Frankie Darro 22nd December, 1917 Chicago, Illinois, USA Actor
Swami Satchidananda 22nd December, 1914 Chettipalayamm, India Actor
Richard Ainley 22nd December, 1910 Stanmore, Middlesex, England, UK Actor
Patricia Hayes 22nd December, 1909 Camberwell, London, England, UK Actress
Alan Carney 22nd December, 1909 Brooklyn, New York, USA Actor