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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Jacqueline Boyer 23rd April, 1941 no1 image Paris, France Singer
Lee Majors 23rd April, 1939 Wyandotte, Michigan, USA Actor
Roy Orbison 23rd April, 1936 Vernon, Texas, USA Composer
Ray Peterson 23rd April, 1935 Denton, Texas, USA Composer
Alan Oppenheimer 23rd April, 1930 New York, New York, USA Actor
Silvana Mangano 23rd April, 1930 Rome, Latium, Italy Actress
Shirley Temple 23rd April, 1928 Santa Monica, California, USA Singer
Avram Davidson 23rd April, 1923 Yonkers, New York, USA Writer
Jack May 23rd April, 1922 Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, England, UK Actor
Gerald Campion 23rd April, 1921 Bloomsbury, London, England, UK Actor
Yoshitaro Nomura 23rd April, 1919 Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan Director
Maurice Druon 23rd April, 1918 Paris, France Writer
Denis Compton 23rd April, 1918 Hendon, Middlesex Footballer
Simone Simon 23rd April, 1910 Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France Actress
James Hayter 23rd April, 1907 Lonuvla, India Actor
James Gow 23rd April, 1907 Preston, Iowa, USA Writer
Stephen Carr 23rd April, 1906 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Actor
Duncan Renaldo 23rd April, 1904 Spain Actor
Ngaio Marsh 23rd April, 1899 Christchurch, New Zealand Writer
Vladimir Nabokov 23rd April, 1899 St. Petersburg, Russia Writer