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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Éva Örkényi 27th August, 1932 Törökszentmiklós, Hungary Actress
Ira Levin 27th August, 1929 New York, New York, USA Writer
Morris Levy 27th August, 1927 The Bronx, New York, USA Composer
Pat Coombs 27th August, 1926 Camberwell, London, England, UK Actress
Leo Penn 27th August, 1921 Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA Director
Martha Raye 27th August, 1916 Butte, Montana, USA Actress
Nils Ekman 27th August, 1915 Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län, Sweden Actor
Johnny Eck 27th August, 1911 Baltimore, Maryland, USA Actor
Kay Walsh 27th August, 1911 London, England, UK Actress
Lester Young 27th August, 1909 Woodville, Mississippi, USA Composer
Norah Lofts 27th August, 1904 Shipdham, Norfolk, England, UK Writer
Gracie Allen 27th August, 1902 George Burns Singer
Byron Foulger 27th August, 1899 Ogden, Utah, USA Actor
C.S. Forester 27th August, 1899 Cairo, Egypt Writer
Faina Ranevskaya 27th August, 1896 Taganrog, Russia Actress
Kenji Miyazawa 27th August, 1896 Iwate Prefecture, Japan Writer
Helen Gibson 27th August, 1892 Cleveland, Ohio, USA Actress
James Finlayson 27th August, 1887 Falkirk, Scotland, UK Actor
Eric Coates 27th August, 1886 Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, England, UK Composer
Tom Wilson 27th August, 1880 Helena, Montana, USA Actor