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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Mary Hopkin 3rd May, 1950 no1 image Pontardawe, Wales, UK Actress
Tommy Boyle 3rd May, 1948 no1 image Manchester, England, UK Actor
Doug Henning 3rd May, 1947 no1 image Fort Garry, Manitoba, Canada Actor
Frankie Valli 3rd May, 1937 Newark, New Jersey, USA Actor
Georges Moustaki 3rd May, 1934 Alexandria, Al Iskandarïyah, Egypt Composer
Sugar Ray Robinson 3rd May, 1921 Detroit, Michigan, USA Actor
Pete Seeger 3rd May, 1919 New York, New York, USA Composer
William Inge 3rd May, 1913 Independence, Kansas, USA Writer
Norman Corwin 3rd May, 1910 Boston, Massachusetts, USA Writer
Earl Wilson 3rd May, 1907 Rockford, Ohio, USA Actor
Mary Astor 3rd May, 1906 Quincy, Illinois, USA Actress
Walter Slezak 3rd May, 1902 Vienna, Austria-Hungary [now Austria] Actor
Gino Cervi 3rd May, 1901 Bologna, Italy Actor
Margaret Young 3rd May, 1900 Singer
Aline MacMahon 3rd May, 1899 McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA Actress
Dodie Smith 3rd May, 1896 Whitefield, Lancashire, England, UK Writer
Beulah Bondi 3rd May, 1888 Chicago, Illinois, USA Actress
Karl Abraham 3rd May, 1877 Bremen, Germany Writer
Julia Arthur 3rd May, 1868 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Actress
Emmett Dalton 3rd May, 1861 Bellon, Missouri, USA Writer