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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Mary Coughlan 5th May, 1956 no1 image Galway, Ireland Actress
Melinda Culea 5th May, 1955 no1 image Western Springs, Illinois, USA Actress
Éva Szerencsi 5th May, 1952 no1 image Budapest, Hungary Actress
Alan Clark 5th May, 1952 no1 image Durham, Co. Durham, England, UK Actor
Tony Parkes 5th May, 1949 no1 image Footballer
Edward Cox 5th May, 1948 no1 image Ohio, USA Actor
Jim Kelly 5th May, 1946 no1 image Paris, Kentucky, USA Actor
Kurt Loder 5th May, 1945 no1 image New Jersey, USA Actor
Roger Rees 5th May, 1944 no1 image Aberystwyth, Wales, UK Actor
John Rhys-Davies 5th May, 1944 no1 image Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, UK Actor
Michael Palin 5th May, 1943 no1 image Ranmoor, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, UK Writer
Roy Phillips 5th May, 1943 no1 image Parkstone, Dorset, England, UK Composer
Ed Waterstreet 5th May, 1943 no1 image Algoma, Wisconsin, USA Actor
Marc Alaimo 5th May, 1942 no1 image Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Actor
Tammy Wynette 5th May, 1942 no1 image Itawamba County, Mississippi, USA Singer
Lance Henriksen 5th May, 1940 New York, New York, USA Actor
Jerzy Skolimowski 5th May, 1938 Lodz, Poland Director
Patrick Gowers 5th May, 1936 Islington, London, England, UK Composer
Douglas Marland 5th May, 1935 West Sand Lake, New York, New York, USA Writer
Bernard Pivot 5th May, 1935 Lyon, France Actor