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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Kit Denton 5th May, 1928 England, UK Writer
Loring Mandel 5th May, 1928 Chicago, Illinois, USA Writer
John Mogensen 5th May, 1928 Amager, Denmark Actor
Pat Carroll 5th May, 1927 Shreveport, Louisiana, USA Actress
Åke Harnesk 5th May, 1926 Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län, Sweden Actor
Bing Russell 5th May, 1926 Brattleboro, Vermont, USA Actor
Joseph Stefano 5th May, 1922 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Writer
Sydney Walker 5th May, 1921 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Actor
Ernest Graves 5th May, 1919 Chicago, Illinois, USA Actor
Alice Faye 5th May, 1915 New York, New York, USA Actress
June Lang 5th May, 1915 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Actress
John Penrose 5th May, 1914 Southsea, England, UK Actor
Brown Derby 5th May, 1914 Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, UK Actor
Sonia Dresdel 5th May, 1909 Hornsea, Yorkshire, England, UK Actress
James Beard 5th May, 1903 Portland, Oregon, USA Actor
Freeman F. Gosden 5th May, 1899 Richmond, Virginia, USA Actor
Ivo Pelay 5th May, 1893 Buenos Aires, Argentina Writer
Christopher Morley 5th May, 1890 Haverford, Pennsylvania, USA Writer
Hans Pfitzner 5th May, 1869 Moscow, Russia Composer
Ermete Novelli 5th May, 1851 Lucca, Tuscany, Italy Actor