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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Randy Travis 4th May, 1959 no1 image Marshville, North Carolina, USA Actor
Inger Nilsson 4th May, 1959 no1 image Kisa, Östergötlands län, Sweden Actress
Steve Barron 4th May, 1956 no1 image Dublin, Ireland Director
David Guterson 4th May, 1956 no1 image Seattle, Washington, USA Writer
Éva Igó 4th May, 1956 no1 image Budapest, Hungary Actress
Pia Zadora 4th May, 1954 no1 image Hoboken, New Jersey, USA Actress
Masashi Ebara 4th May, 1953 no1 image Kanagawa, Japan Actor
Michael Barrymore 4th May, 1952 no1 image Bermondsey, London, England, UK Actor
Mick Mars 4th May, 1951 no1 image Huntington, Indiana, USA Composer
Tanya Falan 4th May, 1949 no1 image Glendale, California, USA Actress
Stella Parton 4th May, 1949 no1 image Sevierville, Tennessee, USA Singer
Graham Swift 4th May, 1949 no1 image London, England, UK Writer
Robert Machray 4th May, 1945 no1 image San Diego, California, USA Actor
Jan Mulder 4th May, 1945 no1 image Bellingwolde, Groningen, Netherlands Actor
Paul Gleason 4th May, 1944 no1 image Jersey City, New Jersey, USA Actor
Nick Ashford 4th May, 1942 no1 image Fairfield, South Carolina, USA Composer
Sean Barrett 4th May, 1940 Hampstead, London, England, UK Actor
Amos Oz 4th May, 1939 Jerusalem, Palestine [now Israel] Writer
Jamie Ross 4th May, 1939 Markinch, Scotland, UK Actor
Ron Carter 4th May, 1937 Ferndale, Michigan, USA Composer