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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Dick Dale 4th May, 1937 Boston, Massachusetts, USA Composer
Susan Brown 4th May, 1932 San Francisco, California, USA Actress
Bruce Haack 4th May, 1932 Alberta, Canada Composer
Ivor Wood 4th May, 1932 Leeds, Yorkshire, England, UK Director
Gordon Gould 4th May, 1930 Chicago, Illinois, USA Actor
Roberta Peters 4th May, 1930 New York, New York, USA Singer
Audrey Hepburn 4th May, 1929 Brussels, Belgium Actress
Ronald Golias 4th May, 1929 São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil Actor
David Gardner 4th May, 1928 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Actor
Terry Scott 4th May, 1927 Watford, Hertfordshire, England, UK Actor
Michael Shane 4th May, 1927 Cleveland, Ohio, USA Actor
Eric Sykes 4th May, 1923 Oldham, Lancashire, England, UK Actor
Patsy Garrett 4th May, 1921 Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA Actress
Nick Joaquin 4th May, 1917 Paco, Philippines Writer
Hugo Butler 4th May, 1914 Calgary, Alberta, Canada Writer
Lincoln Kirstein 4th May, 1907 Rochester, New York, USA Writer
Esmond Knight 4th May, 1906 East Sheen, Surrey, England, UK Actor
Al Dexter 4th May, 1905 Jacksonville, Texas, USA Composer
Matyas Seiber 4th May, 1905 Budapest, Hungary Composer
Elmer Layden 4th May, 1903 Davenport, Iowa, USA Actor